
Saturday, December 04, 2004

Jogging for Fitness

Dr. Gabe Mirkin's Fitness and Health E-Zine
December 5, 2004
Jogging for Fitness
Most runners should train the same way that competitive
runners do, even if they jog only for fitness. Here's a program
that you can follow even if you do not plan to compete. First get
a physical exam to assure that you are healthy. Then start out by
running every other day until your legs feel tired or hurt.
Gradually work up to the point where you can run for thirty
continuous minutes.
Then start your training program. Plan one fast and one
long workout a week. The other workouts should be at a slower
pace and can be skipped if you feel tired. Your fast run can be
on Wednesday and your long run on Sunday. Wednesdays, start
out slowly and gradually increase the pace until you start to feel
uncomfortable as you breathe hard and your muscles start to
hurt. Slow down until you recover and gradually pick up the pace
again. Repeat until your legs start to feel heavy.
Each week try to improve by spending more time running
fast and less time running slow. Take the next day, Thursday, off
because your legs will be sore. On Friday and Saturday, jog
slowly a short distance. On Sunday, try to run for 30 minutes,
and each week, extend the time running until you can stay out for
60 to 90 minutes or more of brisk running. Take the next day off.
Then jog slowly on Tuesday and try to run fast again on
Wednesday. The same principles can be applied to any
endurance sport you use for fitness, such as cycling, rowing or


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